Knowledge & technologies
I mostly develop using web technologies, backend as well as frontend. For developing backend, I mostly use platform Java (KumuluzEE/JakartaEE/MicroProfile), occasionally also Node.js (Express.js). In smaller scale I also used Python (Flask) and Go. When developing frontend, I primarily use Angular, occasionally also React (react-dom, also in combination with GatsbyJS and react-native).
Backend technologies
- Java/JakartaEE
- Node.js
- Docker & Docker Compose
Web technologies
- Angular
- React
- GatsbyJS
- Typescript
Mobile technologies
- React Native
- Keycloak
- Jenkins
After finished elementary school I enrolled into Technical gymnasium at Šolski Center Nova Gorica. During my high school studies, I achieved some prizes in competitions in mathematics, logic, computer science, and computer literacy. I graduated in courses of Slovenian language, Mathematics, Computer science, English language (B2 level) and physics. After Matura exam I enrolled into Faculty of computer and information science, where I study to this day. Because I develop software with great enjoyment, I dedicate a lot of free time to my projects in which I sometimes experiment with new technologies and design patters or simply improving some of the old projects with new ideas. In year 2018 I started to contribute to open-source web framework KumuluzEE. In 2019 I graduated and therefore received a Bachelor's degree of computer and information science (UN classification). After graduation I enrolled in postgraduate program of computer and information science.
Developing library for JavaEE platform
- Written library for typesafe REST calls in KumuluzEE framework
- Library written to conform with MicroProfile specifications
Developing DevOps tool
- Developing DevOps tool to synchronize API gateway endpoints with OpenApi definition of a service as part of a CI pipeline.
- Developing admin dashboard using Angular
- Contributing to service using KumuluzEE framework
Published JavaEE library for authentication
- Developed library for authentication and authorization using OpenIDConnect protocol
- Initially written to support only Keycloak, later extended to work with any OIDC provider
- Published library to Maven Central